Friday, September 09, 2011

I was going to put this in a Tweet, but I just couldn't fit what I wanted to say in 140 characters. Unless you don't listen to the radio or watch TV, you will know that we are approaching the 10th anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks in the US.

Ever since that day airports have increased security, airlines have implemented ways of restricting access to the cockpit, and even high rise buildings have thought of ways to stop airliners crashing into them.


Prior to that day, pilots and cabin crew were taught to cooperate with hijackers. That's because prior to that day, hijackers always wanted to make their point by keeping their hostages alive.

Everything changed on 9/11 (please forgive the American date format). From 9/12 onwards no pilot, no cabin crew, no passenger will ever go along with hijackers. The hijackers of 9/11 rightfully used the knowledge that flight crew would cooperate with them to execute the most horrific scenario imaginable. This will never happen again. Almost every cent spent on increased airport security: TSA intrusive checks, liquid restrictions (this wasn't a result of 9/11, but it's still stupid), confiscation of anything vaguely sharp, etc., has been wasted. Spending millions/billions on protecting prominent buildings from airborne attack is equally as stupid.

Meanwhile, anywhere in the world I can board a train with absolutely no security, even after the Madrid and London bombings. It makes no sense.

Don't fight the last war. If a hijacker tries to take over an aircraft, there are hundreds of passengers and a dozen crew who will prevent that. This has been proved since 9/11 with the shoe bomber and other instances. There will almost certainly be more terrorist attacks in the future, but they won't be the same as 9/11. Please stop making airline travel so hard, and put resources to better effect.


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